
We studied livelihood changes and poverty dynamics over a 25-year period in two villages in central Tanzania. The villages were, from the early 1990s and 2000s, strikingly poor with between 50% and 55% of families in the poorest wealth groups. 25 years later much has changed: people have become substantially wealthier, with 64% and 71% in the middle wealth groups. The new wealth had been generated locally, from farming, particularly of sunflowers as a cash crop. This goes against a conventional view of small-scale farming in Tanzania as being stagnant or unproductive. The area of land farmed per family has increased, almost doubling in one village. People have made money, which they invest in mechanised farming, improved housing, education of their children, livestock, and consumer goods. Improved infrastructure and local entrepreneurs have played key roles in the area’s transformation. Locally identified wealth rankings showed that most villagers, those in the middle wealth groups and above, can now support themselves from their land, which is a notable change to a time when 71% and 82% in each village respectively depended on casual labour for their survival. This change has come at a cost to the environment. By 2016, the village forests have largely gone and been replaced by farms. Farmers were concerned that the climate was turning drier because of deforestation. Studying the mundane—the material used in roofs, the size of farms, and so on made it possible to trace and understand the radical transition the area has experienced.


  • What does radical, positive change in poor rural societies look like, and how is it achieved?This issue is a bone of contention in Africanist circles, with three contrasting schools of thought at work

  • Positive change in poor rural societies look like, and how is it achieved?. There are those who argue that growth is occurring in many African countries with marked positive changes in rural areas

  • Most observors accept that Tanzania has experienced strong economic growth since the 1990s that was principally generated from mining, tourism, services, construction, and the financial sector [1,2]

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Positive change in poor rural societies look like, and how is it achieved?This issue is a bone of contention in Africanist circles, with three contrasting schools of thought at work. Positive change in poor rural societies look like, and how is it achieved? This issue is a bone of contention in Africanist circles, with three contrasting schools of thought at work. There are those who argue that growth is occurring in many African countries with marked positive changes in rural areas (we call these the neoliberal optimists). Others argue that neoliberal capitalism is at best leaving people behind, and at worst wreaking havoc on rural societies as strategies of accumulation by dispossession proliferate (we call these the radical critics). The neoliberal optimists herald this as a success of neoliberal reforms, which saw tighter controls on government spending, the withdrawl

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