
This study addresses an important knowledge gap in the distribution of lead (Pb) in the Arctic Ocean, by presenting dissolved Pb concentrations from samples collected during the GEOTRACES Canadian cruise in 2015. Dissolved Pb showed an increase in concentration from the Canada Basin toward Baffin Bay and the Labrador Sea. Canada Basin was the most isolated region from anthropogenic Pb inputs with low background concentrations (1.4–6.2 pmol kg–1) across most of the basin, although higher Pb features from the advection of Pacific-derived waters and sea ice meltwater were present. Likewise, high-Pb peaks (13.5–26.6 pmol kg–1) along narrow isopycnal surfaces (σθ, 27.4–27.6) in Baffin Bay were attributed to the advection of North Atlantic waters spreading a high-Pb signature into the bay, contrasting with the low values (2.5–7.4 pmol kg–1) present in the mixed layer, Arctic and Baffin Bay deep waters. The Labrador Sea, largely influenced by the recirculation of North Atlantic waters, had the highest Pb concent...

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