
Gender is a topic that is always interesting to discuss, ranging from the problems in implementing gender equality anywhere and anytime, the pros and cons between supporters and opponents of gender, to the view of how religion views gender equality. The occurrence of violence against women makes gender equality campaigns always echoed by women activists, so that women have equal rights in all aspects of life. History records how in the Kartini era, women were considered as sidekicks with 3M tasks (macak, cook, manak), cultural values ​​that greatly influenced the roles of women and men in the public and domestic spheres from the Kartini era until now. Kartini is a symbol of women's emancipation, how Kartini's struggle against the powerlessness of women against the patriarchal culture that developed in that era. After the Kartini era, female figures emerged in the struggle for gender equality. The fact is that there are still a lot of people who consider it taboo if women take a role in the public sphere. Meanwhile, women need support from all levels of society, including the family, in carrying out real action to empower them. Whether we realize it or not, women's empowerment activities are very dependent on stigma and support from various parties, especially men. When the wider community realizes the importance of empowering women, surely Indonesia's development will experience rapid and sustainable development. Although there are many women activists who glorify and fight for gender equality, we still often encounter gender gaps. That is why, the author feels it is important to raise the theme of gender equality in this article. The author considers it very important to introduce the history of gender equality in Indonesia so that we all know how the struggle of female heroes in fighting for justice in the form of gender equality is.

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