
Deficient skeletal muscle regeneration, which often leads to permanent sequelae, is a common clinical finding in envenomations caused by snakes of the family Viperidae, such as those of Bothrops alternatus and B. diporus in South America. The causes of such poor muscle regenerative outcome are still incompletely understood. Using a murine experimental model of envenomation by the venoms of these two species, we assessed whether traces of venom components that remain in muscle tissue days after envenomation affect myoblasts and myotube formation in culture. The kinetics of drop in venom concentration in the tissue was assessed by ELISA and Western blot, and by the quantification of venom phospholipase A2 activity. A rapid drop of venom components was observed in muscle, although a band of 58–63 kDa remained even 168 h after venom injection, and venom phospholipase A2 activity was detected in muscle tissue days after envenomation. Muscle homogenates from envenomated animals were cytotoxic to myoblasts in culture and inhibited the formation of myotubes even in conditions where homogenates were devoid of cytotoxicity. These deleterious effects were abrogated when homogenates were incubated with antivenom. Our findings agree with previous observations with the venom of Bothrops asper and provide further evidence that one of the causes of the poor skeletal muscle regeneration after Bothrops sp venom-induced myonecrosis is the deleterious action on myogenic cells of traces of venom components remaining in the tissue.

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