
How neonicotinoid contamination affects honey bees remains controversial. Studies have yielded contradictory results, and few have examined effects on colony development. Here we report the results of a comprehensive five-year study of the effects of the neonicotinoid imidacloprid on honey bee colonies. Colonies fed 5 ng/g (ppb) imidacloprid in sugar syrup showed increased brood production, lower temperature variability, higher CO2 production and had more foragers compared to control colonies fed unadulterated syrup, but treatment did not affect adult bee numbers or average hive temperatures, and did not increase food stores, daily food acquisition or colony survivorship. These results suggest that imidacloprid contamination increased colony metabolism without improving colony productivity, and helps explain why some studies have reported no, or even positive, effects of neonicotinoids. Effect sizes were generally small but that could be attributed at least in part to variability in uncontrolled factors such as weather. We provide an explanation for the diverse effects of pesticide contamination on honey bees, and an improved understanding of how colonies are impacted.

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