
The experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) rely upon a complex distributed computing infrastructure (WLCG) consisting of hundreds of individual sites worldwide at universities and national laboratories, providing about half a billion computing job slots and an exabyte of storage interconnected through high speed networks. Wide Area Networking (WAN) is one of the three pillars (together with computational resources and storage) of LHC computing. More than 5 PB/day are transferred between WLCG sites. Monitoring is one of the crucial components of WAN and experiments operations. In the past years all experiments have invested significant effort to improve monitoring and integrate networking information with data management and workload management systems. All WLCG sites are equipped with perfSONAR servers to collect a wide range of network metrics. We will present the latest development to provide the 3D force directed graph visualization for data collected by perfSONAR. The visualization package allows site admins, network engineers, scientists and network researchers to better understand the topology of our Research and Education networks and it provides the ability to identify nonreliable or/and nonoptimal network paths, such as those with routing loops or rapidly changing routes.

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