
Specific tracer and maximal specific binding (B max) were determined in rat brain regions from radioactivity accumulation after intravenous administration of 3H N-n-propylnorapomorphine (NPA) or 3H spiperone at various specific activities. With NPA the highest B max-values (expressed in pmol.g −1 tissue) were found in the striatum (26 pmol.g −1) nucleus accumbens (about 27 pmol.g −1) and the olfactory tubercle (11 pmol.g −1). Saturable NPA binding was also found in the amygdaloid complex, medulla oblongata and inferior colliculi, but not in the frontal cortex. B max values for spiperone were high in the striatum (73 pmol.g −1), the nucleus accumbens (48 pmol.g −1), the olfactory tubercle (34 pmol.g −1) and the frontal cortex (18 pmol.g −1). A similar order was found for the tracer contents in these regions. There was no linear relationship between these contents and B max values. The possible implcations of these findings and usefulness of NPA for brain imaging are discussed.

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