
The article investigates the trace of intentional grave bodily injuries that caused the victim's death, analyzes the views of scientists in relation to various types of mappings that remain in the course of intentional attacks on human health. Material tracks are always objective media about event information and therefore the best sources for data accumulation within the forensic characteristics of a particular category of crimes. Together with information on the methods and other pivotal evidence for crime, they form a system of interconnected model summaries used to promote versions. Once discovered, recorded and seized during surveys and other investigative (search) actions, these sources of information are analyzed and summarized by scientists to obtain information about the types of traces. Their systematization allows more efficient use of the given complex of data for the purpose of investigation of a crime. Traces of deliberate grave bodily harm that caused the victim's death are divided into two groups, taking into account the acting entity ("traces showing the actions of the offender" and "traces showing the actions of the victim"). Accordingly, within each of them, subgroups of tracks are identified, taking into account their localization, in particular, those that remain on the body and clothing of the offender, on the body and clothing of the victim, on the tools of the crime and surrounding objects, as well as changes in the environment. The study of archival cases made it clear that most law enforcement officers at the crime scene showed traces of biological or other origin (45% of cases), including traces of blood, saliva, sperm, urine, skin particles, chemical spots. In addition, cases of removal of "remaining" objects (25.5%), including objects found by the offender on the scene or near him and used for damages, were not uncommon; instruments; bottles; personal things; cold and firearms; chemicals. It should be noted that at certain places of events no significant changes were observed in the situation at all (16.5%). The reason for this is attempts by criminals to conceal the facts of committing unlawful acts and their consequences. Traces of reflection, in particular, traces of the hands, footprints or footwear, traces of tools, microobjects, were removed quite rarely (only 13%).

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