
Although numerous studies have determined significant contamination in terms of trace organic contaminant (TrOC) diversity and concentration, the occurrence of TrOCs within solid matrices as suspended solids and sediments flies under the radar. In this study, the occurrence of 35 TrOCs of various classes (i.e. pharmaceutical products and pesticides) was investigated in three compartments, namely dissolved phase, suspended particulate matter (SPM) and sediments, within an anthropized river in France. The sampling was performed to assess the spatial contamination dynamics and the impact of a major wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), under two contrasted hydrological conditions, i.e. base level and flood conditions. Solid samples were finely characterized (XRD, grainsize, TOC) in order to assess the impact of organic and mineral composition on the sorption extent of TrOCs. The study reveals that the clear spatial pattern of contamination in water samples, mostly generated by the effluent discharge of WWTPs, is less clear in solid matrices as the variability of the organo-mineral composition of such samples strongly impacts their favourability for sorption. Moreover, the flood event strongly impacted the sedimentary compartment, remobilizing fine and TrOC contaminated particles that were further found in suspended particulate matter. Lastly, the representativeness of contaminant diversity and concentration within the solid matrices displayed more favourable insights for SPM.

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