
Concentrations of Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn were measured in bulk atmospheric precipitation, throughfall, stemflow, and soil solutions at 10−, 15−, 25−, and 30-cm depths, in aEucalyptus globulus forest in the Berkeley hills, California, during the 1974–75 wet season after each main storm event. Litter and plant samples were analyzed. There was some similarity in the behavior of Cu, Fe, and Zn, but Mn behaved differently. Mn and Zn are largely deposited on the forest canopy by impaction during dry-deposition episodes, whereas most of the Cu and Fe input occurs in rain. For the hydrologic components measured, concentrations of Cu and Fe increase in the order: precipitation<throughfall<stemflow <soil solutions. For Zn the order is: precipitation<stemflow<throughfall<soil solutions. Concentrations of Cu, Zn, and Fe in the soil solution fluctuate with downward movement of wetting fronts and are negatively correlated with pH. Concentrations of Fe in soil solution are about 10 times greater than those of throughfall and stemflow; the corresponding relative differences for Cu and Zn were much less. Plant uptake of Mn exceeds that of Cu, Zn, and Fe. The increases in Mn concentrations from precipitation to throughfall and stemflow are much greater than those for Cu, Zn, and Fe because precipitation has very low Mn concentrations. The concentration series for Mn is: precipitation<soil solutions<throughfall<stemflow. Concentrations of Mn in the soil solution are negatively correlated with pH. During the dry summer Mn accumulates in the soil, but is quickly flushed by early rains of the wet season.

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