
Neutron activation offers some important advantages for the determination of selected trace elements in shale oil products. This paper gives techniques and results of a study of crude shale oil and naphtha, heavy distillate, and wax products of shale oil. The elements determined were Al, As, Au, Br, Ce, Cl, Co, Cr, Fe, Hg, I, K, Mn. Mo, Na, S, Sb, Se, V, and Zn. Some elements (Mn, Na, As) tend to accumulate in heavier fractions, whereas chlorine and iodine are concentrated in the more volatile fractions. The volatility of sulphur compounds in the shale oil products appears to be essentially uniform, with some tendency toward accumulation in distillation residues. The tendency for the trace elements to accumulate in the waxes that precipitated from cooled heavy distillates was very low.

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