
The aim of this study was to determine Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, and Zn content in migratory game bird meat and its contribution to DRI through a probabilistic assessment. A total of 89 wild birds of three species, woodpigeon (Columba palumbus) (n= 25), common turtledove (Streptopelia turtur) (n= 19), and thrush (Turdus philomelos) (n= 45), were analyzed. Concentrations ranged between the following values: Fe: 35.6-39.6mg/kg ww; Cu: 2.3-4.0mg/kg ww; Zn: 11.0-18.6mg/kg ww; and Cr: 43-51μg/kg ww. Co content in this kind of meat was negligible. Significant differences were found for Cu and Zn content among species and for Cu, Fe, and Zn between breast and thigh muscle. Breast was the muscle with the highest Cu and Fe content, and thigh recorded the highest Zn levels for all species. Finally, a probabilistic assessment showed that consumption of a serving size between 100 and 200g of game bird meat (80% breast + 20% thigh) that could meet the DRIs of Cu and Fe for 95th percentile. Then, game meat of these species could be considered as part of a healthy diet and a food with a high nutritional value.

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