
Machining quality is different for each species and, as a result, it is necessary to know the characteristics and properties involved in this process, such as the anatomical structure, moisture content, specific gravity, growth rate, number of growth rings per inch, and grain direction. The aim of this study was to determine the machining properties of Pinus oaxacana Mirov. wood in planing, sanding, shaping, turning and boring tests. The test material was obtained in a plantation located on one side of the Universidad Autónoma Chapingo forestry department. Machining tests, defect evaluation and grading were performed as set out by ASTM-D 1666-87, with some modifications in terms of machinery and moisture contents. In general, P. oaxacana wood was graded as having excellent workability, except in the first shaping test cut where it was graded as good. This test result improved in the second cut. Therefore, the species can be used in the manufacture of finished products with higher value added, such as doors, windows, frames, turned parts, moldings, furring and furniture in general.

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