In this study, it was intended to focus on the success levels of “B. Musical Perception and Acquainting” learning field and of “C. Musical Creativity” learning field based on the teaching program of 2006 primary education music classes of sixth grade level and relationship between these two learning fields was evaluated. In this study the basic stages, the vision, the basic approach, and the structure of the teaching program of 2006 primary education music classes and the general aims, basic skills and valuation, teaching methods and techniques and learning-teaching period were examined. Source scanning related to these subjects was done. Outcomes and activities related to “B. Muziksel Algi ve Bilgilenme” and “C. Muziksel Yaraticilik” learning fields in this study were analyzed by using observation method. Sample group of this study consisted of 6-A, 6-C, 6-E, 6-G classes in IMKB Inonu Primary School in Erzurum depended on Ministry of National Education. To analyze all data based on observation, frequency (f) percent (%) analysis method was used. Findings and comments part of the study included data that was acquired as a result of outcomes of two basic learning fields and in this part data were interpreted according to the findings. After collecting all data and evaluating the relationship between “B. Musical Perception and Acquainting” learning field and “C. Musical Creativity” learning field, to the results, it was acquired that these two learning fields had supportive and complementary to each other. According to the results of the study, when music class practices are structured considering the relationship between two basic learning fields, learning becomes easier and more comprehensible and by this way, learning continuity will be provided. Ozet Bu arastirmada, 2006 Ilkogretim muzik dersi 6.sinif ogretim programinda yer alan “B. Muziksel Algi ve Bilgilenme” ile “C. Muziksel Yaraticilik” ogrenme alanlarinin basari duzeyleri ve bu iki ogrenme alanlari arasindaki iliskisel durum degerlendirilmistir. Arastirmada, 2006 Ilkogretim muzik dersi ogretim programin asamalari, programin vizyonu, programin temel yaklasimi, programin temel yapisi, genel amaclar, temel beceriler ve degerler, ogretim yontem ve teknikleri, ogrenme-ogretme sureci incelenmis ve konuya iliskin olarak kaynak taramasi yapilmistir. Arastirma icerisinde yer alan “B. Muziksel Algi ve Bilgilenme” ile “C. Muziksel Yaraticilik” ogrenme alanlarina ait kazanimlar ve etkinlikler gozlem yontemi ile incelenmistir. Arastirmanin orneklemini; Erzurum IMKB Inonu ilkogretim okulunda bulunan 6-A, 6-C, 6-E, 6-G siniflari olusturmus olup, gozlem yontemi kullanilarak elde edilen veriler frekans(f) yuzde (%) analizine gore cozumlenmistir. Arastirmanin bulgular ve yorumlar kisminda, iki temel ogrenme alanlarina ait kazanimlardan elde edilen bulgulara yer verilmis ve bulgular isiginda veriler yorumlanmistir. Arastirma sonucunda; “B. Muziksel Algi ve Bilgilenme” ile “C. Muziksel Yaraticilik” ogrenme alanlarinin arasindaki iliskisel durum degerlendirilerek birbirlerini destekleyici ve tamamlayici yonlerinin oldugu sonucuna varilmistir. Arastirmanin sonuclarindan yola cikilarak; muzik dersi uygulamalari, iki temel ogrenme alanlari arasindaki iliskisel durum goz onunde bulundurularak yapilandirildiginda, ogrenme daha kolay ve daha anlasilir bir sekilde gerceklesecek, ogrenmenin surekliligi de saglanmis olacaktir.
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