
Courage, Humility, Kaizen Darril Wilburn The Toyota Way 2001 Courage, Humility, Kaizen at the Heart Teaching Others Stability and Standardized Work Gerson Valentim Damiani Importance of Standard Work Why Work Using Standards? Operational Procedures, Work Instructions, and Work and Labor Procedures How the Work Was Done at Toyota: Standard Work before Technology How Standard Work Was Done at Toyota after the Introduction of Technology Factory Layout Objectives of the Layout Human Factor Problems in the Implementation of Standard Work Where to Place Standard Work Instructions Jidoka Renato Eiji Kitazuka with Carlos Moretti Origins Jidoka as a Pillar of the Toyota Production System So, What Is the Purpose of Using Jidoka? Using Jidoka Implementation Stages of Jidoka It Was Too Early Conclusion Just-In-Time and Kanban Carlos Fukamizu Just-In-Time Introduction Introduction of Jidoka and Just-In-Time as the Pillars of TPS Jidoka Just-In-Time Manufacturing Just-In-Time (JIT) Concept Total Customer Satisfaction More Evident Waste in the Manufacturing Continuous Flow Process (One-Piece Flow) and Pull System Lean Methodologies for Waste Elimination Examples Kaizen (Continuous Improvement) Kanban as a Technique of JIT Conclusion Problem-Solving PDCA Sammy Obara Definition Why Problem Solving Is So Important Along a Lean Transformation What Is PDCA? Do You Really Need a Method? How and Where to Find Problems The Mosquitoes Case How Well Do You Understand the Problem? Genchi Genbutsu: The Point of Cause How Well Can You State the Problem? How Well Do You Understand the Causes? Doing Well What Does Not Need to Be Done Project Management Quick Note on Deadlines Standardization Recognition A Higher Level of Recognition Yokoten: Spreading the Learning Laterally What Is Next? Toyota Kaizen Methods Art Smalley Step 1: Discover Improvement Potential Step 2: Analyze the Current Method Step 3: Generate Original Ideas Step 4: Make a Kaizen Plan Step 5: Implement the Plan Step 6: Verify the Results Summary Kaizen Culture: The Continuous Improvement Engine Stephen J. Ansuini The Key Elements of a Kaizen Culture Visible Sponsorship and Support by Management Leadership Support Clear Purpose and Aligned Goals Evolving Continuous Improvement System Phase 1: Introduction - Participation Emphasis Phase 2: Transition - Participant Development Phase 3: Process Maturation Summary Elimination of Waste in Product Design Patrick Muller Value Engineering/Value Analysis Waste in Process Design Waste in Product Design Toyota's Purchasing Philosophy Fair Competition Based on an Open-Door Policy Mutual Prosperity Based on Mutual Trust Abide by the Law Toyota's Purchasing Practices Cost Breakdown Target Costing, VE/VA, Kaizen Value Engineering/Value Analysis History At Toyota, Suppliers Challenges VE/VA and FMEA VE/VA and Marketing Practical Example Adapting Lean for Made-to-Order/High-Mix, Low-Volume Organizations Greg Lane OSKKK to Learn and Transform Learning the Processes before Managing Them Constraints Require More than Quick Fixes Process Focused, Not Product Focused Segregating Parts to Manage Differently Managing in Real-Time Necessitates Other Lean Principles Proportionally More Indirect Costs Necessitates Lean Accounting Failures Summary Lean Logistics Robert Martichenko Part 1: Purpose + People Introduction Purpose Customer and 3PL Collaboration People and Planning Part 2: Process Logistics Route Design Pull Replenishment Velocity and Understanding the Importance of Lead-Time Reduction Driving Velocity Manufacturing Plant Integration Leveled Flow Trailer Yard Layout and Visual Management Quality at the Source and Discipline of Process Lessons Learned and Conclusion Leading a Kaizen Culture Bob Plummer A TPS Symphony Discovering the Kaizen Culture Creating and Sustaining the Kaizen Culture in American Factories Implementing TPS Methods Back to the Beginning Leaving GM Hoshin Kanri Alistair Norval with Darril Wilburn What Is Hoshin Kanri? Why We Need a Strategic Planning System What Does This Result In? Countermeasure to Strategic Planning Problems Hoshin Kanri Enables Organizations to Develop Strategic Plans That Are True North Tree of Focused Activity Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) Management Process Catchball Key Thinker A3 The Power of Hoshin Summary Index

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