
The urgency of the problem of toxocarosis in the territory of the Kursk region is caused by the increase in the incidence among the children's population, the contamination of environmental objects with toksokar eggs. In this regard, it is necessary to conduct large-scale studies on the helminth infections of carnivorous animals living in urban areas to establish a realistic picture of their infection with toxocarosis and assess the sanitary and helminthological state of sand in children's play houses near Kursk, and determine the risk of infection of children with geohelminthiasis.One of the leading places in the structure of infectious and parasitic morbidity in the Kursk region is still occupied by parasitic diseases. According to the state report “On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being in the Kursk region in 2017”, 1125 cases of parasitic diseases are registered in the region. In the structure of parasitosis 97.4% are made up of helminthiasis. Contact helminthiasis had the largest share, represented by enterobiasis – 93%, geohelminthiasis was 4%, biohelminthoses – 1%. Among geohelminthic infections in 2017, two nosological forms were registered – ascariasis and toxocarosis, compared with 2016, the incidence of the latter increased by 10.4%. A total of 23 cases of toxocariasis were registered in the region, it is noteworthy that the proportion of children among the infested persons was 82.6% [3]. True incidence can be much higher, since in most cases infection with toxcar for a long time is asymptomatic and is detected by chance during laboratory examination [4].Toxocarosis is a parasitic disease caused by the migration of helminth larvae of dogs – Toxocara canis in humans, less often – Toxocara mystax of cats and characterized by a complex of syndromes and symptoms, referred to as visceral larva migrans. Such factors as an increase in the number of dogs and cats in populated areas, their high prevalence of toxocars, the intensity of egg excretion by mature helminths that live in the intestines of animals, and the stability of eggs in the environment exert on the spread of toxocariasis among people. In modern conditions, toxocarosis becomes the most socially significant helminth infection with a high risk of infection in cities [1].

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