
The toxicological characteristics of the injection form of copper nanopowder are presented. The studied compound was administered in carts of 500 mg /kg (group 2 animals), 1000 mg/kg (group 3 animals), 2000 mg/kg (group 4 animals), 3000 mg/kg (group 5 animals) and 5000 mg/kg (group 6 animals). Animals of the control group (group 1) were injected with an appropriate amount of solvent (propylene glycol). The volume of the injected compound did not exceed 5 ml. It was found that after administration of the studied compound at doses of 500 and 1000 mg/kg, there were no clinical manifestations of intoxication in white rats. With an increase in doses up to 2000 – 5000 mg / kg of body weight, anxiety, difficulty breathing, and tremor were observed. However, according to the results of the experiment, we did not establish a lethal dose of the drug. When studying the chronic toxicity of the drug, negative changes in animal behavior were observed for 14 days. During the whole time of the experiment, for some time there were not coordinated and coordinated movements. There was no paralysis. The mucous membranes were pink in color without pathological changes. Throughout the entire time of the research, the animals reacted to external (sound) stimuli. A decrease or lack of appetite was observed an hour after administration of the drug and lasted for 6 days, then returned to normal. Thus, the studied compound can be attributed to hazard class IV and to the group of low-toxic substances in accordance with GOST 12.1.007-76.

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