
Several pesticides were tested in the laboratory for their side-effects upon the mirid bugDicyphus tamaninii, a polyphagous predator used for IPM programmes in some vegetable crops. Residual toxicity to 3rd -4th instar nymphs on tomato leaflets was checked 24, 48 hours and seven days after treatment. The acaricides bromopropylate, dicofol+tetradifon and fenpyroximate were harmless to the nymphs. The insect growth regulators azadirachtin, buprofezin, lufenuron and pyriproxyfen were also harmless to nymphs and teflubenzuron was slightly harmful seven days after treatment. Among the conventional insecticides tested, only pirimicarb and tau-fluvalinate were harmless toD. tamaninii nymphs

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