
Kelsey milkvetch (Astragalus atropubescens Coult. and Fish.) contains miserotoxin (P-glucoside of 3-nitro-1-propanol). Chemical analyses and biological evaluations indicated moderately low concentrations of the toxin in this species. However, this plant has been implicated in cattle losses and a potential danger of both acute and chronic poisoning exists on grazing areas where kelsey milkvetch grows in abundance. It grows in mountainous areas in the Salmon River drainage in Idaho and the Big Hole River drainage in Montana. Kelsey milkvetch was controlled with an application of 2.24 kg/ha (2 lb/at) of 2,4,5-T [2,4,5tricholorophenoxy)acetic acid] and eradicated with an application of silvex [2-(2,4,5tricholorophenoxy)propionic acid]. Kelsey milkvetch (Astrugahs atropubescens Coult. and Fish.) grows in the mountainous areas of east-central Idaho, especially on

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