
The article is devoted to theoretical issue of the quality of education. The author examines education as a social institution. The researcher, firstly, accepts understanding of the level and integrity of the subject, its stabilization and ordering; secondly, the stimulation of creative search in the improvement of quality; third, the orientation towards the integration of different approaches, types of activities. Social institutions are considered as natural and necessary for successful functioning of the society. At the same time, it is independent public entities with own developmental logic. Here there is a danger of becoming self-sufficient social structures that oppose the real needs and interests of people. It can turn into a self-sufficient system, closed to the maintenance of ones own existence. In the same time the interaction with other social institutions is violated, that is particularly important for education. We oversee how isolationism and closeness with its external openness increases. The quality of the functioning of social institution can be seen as a component of two directions – to meet the individual needs of people and to implement an integrative, socio-systemic function. The quality of the functioning of one social institution depends heavily on the success of others. So, there is the difficulty in assessing the success of the functioning of such a social institution as education. We have the need for transformations in other social institutions for the successful functioning of the education. That, in particular, opens up opportunities for preventive pedagogy.

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