
This thesis establishes the basis for a dance training methodology entitled Towards Vivencia, which aims to allow performers to modify their initial state of being in order to achieve peak performative experiences through the ritualisation of their actions. This practice as research draws from theoretical investigation and, primarily from the author’s current professional practice as a choreographer/director and from his background in different somatic practices such as martial arts, sports, and contemporary dance. The findings apply a new working term for the peak performative state the author associates with performance presence: vivencia, to refer to this particular state, as well as the experience that remains engraved in the performer’s existence as a result of an episode of extreme awareness of praxis during the continuous present moment in performance. The examination of whirling dervish dance and research on ritual behavior explain the process of ritualisation as an elaboration of the neurobiological propulsion towards constructing temporal communities. The way in which ritualising can be used to reify abstract concepts such as vivencia is explored. By contextualising what constitutes performance training and by analysing the methododology certain other directors and choreographers have employed to train performers, this research distils, condenses and reconstructs selected elements from dance training as well as from selected acting methodologies and adapts, synthesises and applies these for the purposes of Towards Vivencia. The last three chapters of this thesis, together with the videos that accompany it, form the kernel of a training methodology aimed at ritualising action in performance whose objective is to render the concept of vivencia real.

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