
Post-translational modifications (PTMs) represent an important regulatory layer influencing the structure and function of proteins. With broader availability of experimental information on the occurrences of different PTM types, the investigation of a potential "crosstalk" between different PTM types and combinatorial effects have moved into the research focus. Hypothesizing that relevant interferences between different PTM types and sites may become apparent when investigating their mutual physical distances, we performed a systematic survey of pairwise homo- and heterotypic distances of seven frequent PTM types considering their sequence and spatial distances in resolved protein structures. We found that actual PTM site distance distributions differ from random distributions with most PTM type pairs exhibiting larger than expected distances with the exception of homotypic phosphorylation site distances and distances between phosphorylation and ubiquitination sites that were found to be closer than expected by chance. Random reference distributions considering canonical acceptor amino acid residues only were found to be shifted to larger distances compared to distances between any amino acid residue type indicating an underlying tendency of PTM-amenable residue types to be further apart than randomly expected. Distance distributions based on sequence separations were found largely consistent with their spatial counterparts suggesting a primary role of sequence-based pairwise PTM-location encoding rather than folding-mediated effects. Our analysis provides a systematic and comprehensive overview of the characteristics of pairwise PTM site distances on proteins and reveals that, predominantly, PTM sites tend to avoid close proximity with the potential implication that an independent attachment or removal of PTMs remains possible. Proteins 2016; 85:78-92. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

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