
Autonomous systems fulfil an increasingly important role in our societies, however, AI-powered systems have seen less success over the years, as they are expected to tackle a range of social, legal, or technological challenges and modern neural network-based AI systems cannot yet provide guarantees to many of these challenges. Particularly important is that these systems are black box decision makers, eroding human oversight, contestation, and agency. To address this particular concern, my thesis focuses on integrating social explainable AI with cognitive methods and natural language processing to shed light on the internal processes of autonomous systems in a way accessible to lay users. I propose a causal explanation generation model for decision-making called CEMA based on counterfactual simulations in multi-agent systems. I also plan to integrate CEMA with a broader natural language processing pipeline to support targeted and personalised explanations that address people's cognitive biases. I hope that my research will have a positive impact on the public acceptance of autonomous agents by building towards more trustworthy AI.

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