
In logics for the strategic reasoning the main challenge is represented by their verification in contexts of imperfect information and perfect recall. In this work, we show a technique to approximate the verification of Alternating-time Temporal Logic (ATL*) under imperfect information and perfect recall, which is known to be undecidable. Given a model M and a formula $\varphi$, we propose a verification procedure that generates sub-models of M in which each sub-model M' satisfies a sub-formula $\varphi'$ of $\varphi$ and the verification of $\varphi'$ in M' is decidable. Then, we use CTL* model checking to provide a verification result of $\varphi$ on M. We prove that our procedure is in the same class of complexity of ATL* model checking under perfect information and perfect recall, we present a tool that implements our procedure, and provide experimental results.

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