
Issues relating to intermodal and multimodal transportation systems are introduced and defined. Intermodal and multimodal transportation solutions are assessed within the framework of legislative efforts such as Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (IS TEA) , Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (CAAA), and North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Effects of the shift in federal funding priorities are discussed, and catalysts for intermodalism in the public and private sector are identified. Federal involvement in state intermodal transportation systems, and state responses to the growing intermodal and multimodal trends are also reviewed. Innovative intermodal and multimodal programs are studied. The roles and responsibilities of the Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO) in the post-ISTEA world is examined and the impacts oflegislative mandates considered. As a case study, the workings of the Houston MPO are examined. Private sector intermodal and multimodal involvement is addressed, including issues in management, regulatory, financial, economical, environmental, and even physical constraints. Effects of regulation on private sector intermodalism are discussed, as are case studies in partnering and management. This report summarized the potential and the possibilities that intermodalism and multimodalism have at national, state, and local levels in both the public and private sectors, and concludes with a look at the possible future of intermodalism.

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