
Computing hadronic observables by solving QCD from first principles with realistic quark masses is an important challenge in fundamental nuclear and particle physics research. Although lattice QCD provides a rigorous framework for such calculations many difficulties arise. Firstly, there are no good algorithms to solve lattice QCD with realistically light quark masses. Secondly, due to critical slowing down, Monte Carlo algorithms are able to access only small lattice sizes on coarse lattices. Finally, due to sign problems it is almost impossible to study the physics of finite baryon density. Lattice QCD contains roughly three mass scales: the cutoff (or inverse lattice spacing) a{sup -1}, the confinement scale {Lambda}{sub QCD}, and the pion mass m{sub {pi}}. Most conventional Monte Carlo algorithms for QCD become inefficient in two regimes: when {Lambda}{sub QCD} becomes small compared to a{sup -1} and when m{sub {pi}} becomes small compared to {Lambda}{sub QCD}. The former can be largely controlled by perturbation theory thanks to asymptotic freedom. The latter is more difficult since chiral extrapolations are typically non-analytic and can be unreliable if the calculations are not done at sufficiently small quark masses. For this reason it has been difficult to compute quantities close to the chiral limit. The essential goal behind this proposal was to develop a new approach towards understanding QCD and QCD-like theories with sufficiently light quarks. The proposal was based on a novel cluster algorithm discovered in the strong coupling limit with staggered fermions [1]. This algorithm allowed us to explore the physics of exactly massless quarks and as well as light quarks. Thus, the hope was that this discovery would lead to the complete solution of at least a few strongly coupled QCD-like theories. The solution would be far better than those achievable through conventional methods and thus would be able to shed light on the chiral physics from a new direction. By the end of the funding period, the project led to 6 publications, one in physical review letters, three in physical review as rapid communications and two conference proceedings. A long and detailed publication on the phase diagram of two-color QCD was just submitted to hep-lat archive. All the publications are listed in the sections titled Papers published or submitted and Published conference proceedings. Based on the projects completed, it is clear that the goal of the proposal was indeed partially realized.

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