
Social botnet utilizing online social network (OSN) as Command and Control channel (C&C) has caused enormous threats to Internet security. Server-side detection approaches mainly target on suspicious accounts, which cannot identify the specific bot hosts or processes. Host-side approaches target on suspicious process behaviors which are not robust enough to face the challenges of frequent variants and novel social bots. In this paper, we propose a novel social bot behavior detecting approach in the end host. Because social bot binaries or source codes are not easy to collect, we first design a novel social botnet, named wbbot, based on Sina Weibo. We analyze it from two aspects, wbbot architecture and wbbot behaviors. Second, we analyze the host behaviors of existing social botnets which come from public websites, other researchers, and our implementations. We identify six critical phases: infection, pre-defined host behaviors, establishment of C&C, receive the commands of botmaster, execution of social bot commands, and return the results. Third, we present our detection system which consists of three components: host behavior monitor, host behavior analyzer, and detection approach. We present behavior tree-based approach to detect social bot. After constructing the suspicious behavior tree, we match it with the template library to generate detection result. Finally, we collect real-world social botnet traces to evaluate the performance. We would like to share them for academic research. The results indicate that our system has an acceptable false positive rate of 29.6% and remarkable false negative rate of 4.5%. However, compared with other detection tools, our detection result is still remarkable.

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