
Predicting drug-excipient compatibility is a critical aspect of pharmaceutical formulation design. In this study, we introduced an innovative approach that leverages machine learning techniques to improve the accuracy of drug-excipient compatibility predictions. Mol2vec and 2D molecular descriptors combined with the stacking technique were used to improve the performance of the model. This approach achieved a significant advancement in the predictive capacity as demonstrated by the accuracy, precision, recall, AUC, and MCC of 0.98, 0.87, 0.88, 0.93 and 0.86, respectively. Using the DE-INTERACT model as the benchmark, our stacking model could remarkably detect drug-excipient incompatibility in 10/12 tested cases, while DE-INTERACT managed to recognize only 3 out of 12 incompatibility cases in the validation experiments. To ensure user accessibility, the trained model was deployed to a user-friendly web platform (URL: https://decompatibility.streamlit.app/). This interactive interface accommodated inputs through various types, including names, PubChem CID, or SMILES strings. It promptly generated compatibility predictions alongside corresponding probability scores. However, the continual refinement of model performance is crucial before applying this model in practice.

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