
We introduce a new {kappa}-star product describing the multiplication of quantized {kappa}-deformed free fields. The {kappa} deformation of local free quantum fields originates from two sources: noncommutativity of space-time and the {kappa} deformation of field oscillators algebra; we relate these two deformations. We demonstrate that for a suitable choice of {kappa}-deformed field oscillators algebra, the {kappa}-deformed version of the microcausality condition is satisfied, and it leads to the deformation of the Pauli-Jordan commutation function defined by the {kappa}-deformed mass shell. We show by constructing the {kappa}-deformed Fock space that the use of the {kappa}-deformed oscillator algebra permits one to preserve the bosonic statistics of n-particle states. The proposed star product is extended to the product of n fields, which for n=4 defines the interaction vertex in perturbative description of the noncommutative quantum {lambda}{phi}{sup 4} field theory. It appears that the classical four-momentum conservation law is satisfied at the interaction vertices.

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