
It is time to consider the protection of our environment as a major public health issue in oral medicine. Evidence shows that activities related to dental practice, such as patient transportation, use of rare materials and chemicals, or energy consumption, affect our ecosystems and contribute to the global degradation we are increasingly observing. The degradation of our environment is considered the greatest threat to our health. Exposure of oral tissues to multiple environmental factors can lead to pathological conditions. In addition to these direct effects, there are more complex phenomena, leading to co-deficits in the health of populations. The example of the sugar industry illustrates the systemic failures resulting in the double degradation of the environment and the health of individuals. Face with these dynamically interacting phenomena, human communities must consider systemic responses such as those described in this article. The dental community will need to do its part and consider global oral health as a central issue. This conceptual work will help define the innovations and action needed to ensure equitable practice that respects planetary limits.

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