
Points-to analysis is a static program analysis aiming at analyzing the reference structure of dynamically allocated objects at compile-time. It constitutes the basis for many analyses and optimizations in software engineering and compiler construction. Sparse program representations, such as Whole Program Points-to Graph (WPP2G) and Points-to SSA (P2SSA), represent only dataflow that is directly relevant for points-to analysis. They have proved to be practical in terms of analysis precision and efficiency. However, intra-procedural control flow information is removed from these representations, which sacrifices analysis precision to improve analysis performance. We show an approach for keeping control flow related information even in sparse program representations by representing control flow effects as operations on the data transferred, i.e., as dataflow information. These operations affect distinct paths of the program differently, thus yielding a certain degree of path-sensitivity. Our approach works with both WPP2G and P2SSA representations. We apply the approach to P2SSA-based and flow-sensitive points-to analysis and evaluate a context-insensitive and a context-sensitive variant. We assess our approach using abstract precision metrics. Moreover, we investigate the precision improvements and performance penalties when used as an input to three source-code-level analyses: dead code, cast safety, and null pointer analysis.

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