
Annual global land cover maps (GLC) are being provided by several operational monitoring efforts. However, map validation is lagging, in the sense that the annual land cover maps are often not validated. Concurrently, users such as the climate and land management community require information on the temporal consistency of multi-date GLC maps and stability in their accuracy. In this study, we propose a framework for operational validation of annual global land cover maps using efficient means for updating validation datasets that allow timely map validation according to recommendations in the CEOS Stage-4 validation guidelines. The framework includes a regular update of a validation dataset and continuous map validation. For the regular update of a validation dataset, a partial revision of the validation dataset based on random and targeted rechecking (areas with a high probability of change) is proposed followed by additional validation data collection. For continuous map validation, an accuracy assessment of each map release is proposed including an assessment of stability in map accuracy addressing the user needs on the temporal consistency information of GLC map and map quality. This validation approach was applied to the validation of the Copernicus Global Land Service GLC product (CGLS-LC100). The CGLS-LC100 global validation dataset was updated from 2015 to 2019. The update was done through a partial revision of the validation dataset and an additional collection of sample validation sites. From the global validation dataset, a total of 40% (10% for each update year) was revisited, supplemented by a targeted revision focusing on validation sample locations that were identified as possibly changed using the BFAST time series algorithm. Additionally, 6720 sample sites were collected to represent possible land cover change areas within 2015 and 2019. Through this updating mechanism, we increased the sampling intensity of validation sample sites in possible land cover change areas within the period. Next, the dataset was used to validate the annual GLC maps of the CGLS-LC100 product for 2015–2019. The results showed that the CGLS-LC100 annual GLC maps have about 80% overall accuracy showing high temporal consistency in general. In terms of stability in class accuracy, herbaceous wetland class showed to be the least stable over the period. As more operational land cover monitoring efforts are upcoming, we emphasize the importance of updated map validation and recommend improving the current validation practices and guidelines towards operational map validation so that long-term land cover maps and their uncertainty information are well understood and properly used.


  • Land cover represents important biophysical properties of the earth’s surface

  • This study presents a framework for operational validation of continuous global land cover (GLC) monitoring and proposes metrics to assess the stability of the accuracy of annual GLC maps

  • A very high level of land cover change rate within the additional sample sites indicates that the added change stratification was successful in targeting land cover changes that occurred between 2015 and 2019 as opposed to the change rate in the original validation sites as part of revisiting

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Land cover represents important biophysical properties of the earth’s surface. Changes in land cover can have a significant impact on the earth’s ecological and biogeochemical processes. Since the first satellite-based GLC map was produced in 1994 (DeFries and Townshend, 1994), several GLC maps have been produced at different resolution and temporal update frequencies. Both the IGBP (International Geosphere–Biosphere Programme) map and GLC2000 map cover a single year at 1 km pixel size (Bartholome and Belward, 2005; Loveland et al 2000). Maps such as the Globcover, CCI-Land Cover, and MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) encompass two or more epochs at medium resolu­ tion (300–500 m) (CCI Land Cover, 2017; Defourny et al, 2011; SullaMenashe et al, 2019). More GLC maps at 10 m are being pro­ duced, for example by the ESA’s WorldCover project, which aims to release a GLC map using Sentinel-1 and -2 data (ESA-WorldCover, 2020)

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