
This book will consider applications of the Soft Computing methods in the human sciences. In the conduct of inquiry, Soft Computing (SC) refers to a multidisciplinary, user-friendly approach to concept analysis, interpretation, reasoning, theory formation, scientific explanation, prediction and model construction. We aim to mimic or utilize actual human reasoning in these contexts and, to some extent, the acts and processes of animate beings in general. SC methods are usually applied in computer environments. Unlike conventional (hard) computing, in computer environment SC is tolerant of such features as imprecision and uncertainty. By exploiting this tolerance, we may achieve tractability, robustness and low systems solution costs. On some occasions, the expression adaptive and intelligent systems is used instead of SC systems. KeywordsFuzzy SystemActual WorldSoft ComputingBorderline CaseHuman ScienceThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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