
Abstract MYTHEN 3 is a new single-photon-counting readout chip being developed by the SLS detector group in 110 nm UMC technology. It will equip a 60 k-channel, 50 μ m pitch microstrip detector optimized for powder diffraction experiments. Every readout channel features an amplifier and a shaper with variable gain and shaping time. The shaper output is fed to three independent discriminators, each one having a dedicated threshold, trim bit set and enable signal. The outputs of the three discriminators are processed by the counting logic section which, according to the mode of operation selected, generates the hits for the three following 24-bit counters. Several operation modes are foreseen: dual polarity, energy-windowing, count rate improvement, charge sharing suppression and pump with multiple probe time slots. The first 64-channel prototype has been tested in the lab, with fluorescence X-rays and with a synchrotron beam to characterize its noise and count rate capability. Based on the results obtained from the first chip a second 64-channel prototype has been developed and sent to production. The architecture of the chip and characterization results of the first chip will be presented.

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