
This paper explores the potential interface between Māori collectively-owned organisations, and those organisations and businesses that practice corporate social responsibility (CSR). The literature suggests that CRS is good for business; that it is possible to achieve a double bottom line on social and financial performance. These performance outcomes will be of particular interest to Māori collectively-owned organisations charged with growing tribal wealth, as well as delivering better social outcomes to their beneficiaries. Recently, as a result of the Treaty of Waitangi claims processes, Māori tribal organisations have proliferated. These tribal organisations have consequently adopted governance arrangements designed to deliver both commercial and social outcomes. Additionally, they are expected to incorporate Māori culturally specific values that ultimately underpin the governance of the organisation. Beneficiaries of most Māori collective organisations are members of the tribe that have recognised genealogical links to a founding ancestor. Tribal organisations are consequently becoming increasingly responsible for the financial, social, cultural and environmental wellbeing of the tribe. Furthermore, the management of tribal assets to enhance tribal wellbeing is embedded in the notion of sustainability – specifically inter-generational wealth creation.

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