
The ultimate goal of any access control system is to assign precisely the necessary level of access (i.e., no more and no less) to each subject. Meeting this goal is challenging in an environment that is inherently scalable, heterogeneous and dynamic as the Internet of Things (IoT). This holds true as the volume, velocity and variety of data produced by wireless sensors, RFID tags and other enabling technologies in IoT introduce new challenges for data access. Traditional access control methods that rely on static, pre-defined access policies do not offer flexibility in dealing with the new challenges of the dynamic environment of IoT, which has been extensively studied in the relevant literature. This work, defines and studies the indeterminacy challenge for access control in the context of IoT, which to the best of our knowledge has not been studied in the relevant literature. The current access control models, even those that introduce some form of resiliency into the access decision process, cannot make a correct access decision in unpredicted scenarios, which are typically found in IoT due to its inherent characteristics that amplify indeterminacy. Therefore, this work stresses the need for a scalable, heterogeneous, and dynamic access control model that is able cope with indeterminate data access scenarios. To this end, this work proposes a conceptual framework for indeterminacy-tolerant access control in IoT.

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