
Purpose: This paper investigates the potential of remote work platforms and digital entrepreneurship for the employment inclusion of People with Disabilities (PwD) in Oman. PwD face challenges in the labor market due to social stigma and a lack of awareness about remote work options. This study aims to assess the general digital and digital marketing skills of PwD in Oman, identify the gap between their skills and the requirements of virtual platforms for remote work, and recommend online training programs to bridge the gap. Method: The study will use a mixed-methods approach with questionnaires and real-life scenarios to assess skills and competencies. This study will employ a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative (questionnaire) and qualitative (real-life scenarios) data collection methods. Results and conclusion: This study will use structural equation modelling, Linear probability and multiple response regression models to validate and identify predictors of skill levels and potential gaps between self-assessment and performance. This guides in the development of appropriate online training which improves the employment prospects of PwDs. Research Implication: PwDs can apply knowledge, understanding, and practical abilities gained through competency development initiatives in the business work process. With freedom and autonomy, they can make judgments and decisions that will improve their psychological state of mind and confidence. This also ensures access to equal opportunity, independence, and protection against discrimination. Originality/Value: The study contributes to Oman Vision 2040 and aligns with national priorities of promoting economic development and empowering vulnerable groups like PwD. This research aims to empower PwD in Oman through skills development and access to remote work opportunities, contributing to their social and economic inclusion.

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