
Domain adaptation (DA) becomes an up-and-coming technique to address the insufficient or no annotation issue by exploiting external source knowledge. Existing DA algorithms mainly focus on practical knowledge transfer through domain alignment. Unfortunately, they ignore the fairness issue when the auxiliary source is extremely imbalanced across different categories, which results in severe under-presented knowledge adaptation of minority source set. To this end, we propose a Towards Fair Knowledge Transfer (TFKT) framework to handle the fairness challenge in imbalanced cross-domain learning. Specifically, a novel cross-domain knowledge propagation technique is proposed with the guidance of within-source and cross-domain structure graphs to smooth the manifold of the minority source set. Besides, a cross-domain fulfillment augmentation strategy is exploited achieve domain adaptation. Moreover, hybrid distinct classifiers and cross-domain prototype alignment are adopted to seek a more robust classifier boundary and mitigate the domain shift. Such three strategies are formulated into a unified framework to address the fairness issue and domain shift challenge. Extensive experiments over two popular benchmarks have verified the effectiveness of our proposed model by comparing to existing state-of-the-art DA models, and especially our model significantly improves over 20% on two benchmarks in terms of the overall accuracy.

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