
Abstract‘Garbage in Garbage out!’ This is very true when user requirements are not addressed accurately in Web (or any) Application development. Adding fuel to this fire is the ever-changing business requirements that force these web (or any) applications to change and evolve. In order to deliver web applications that meet user requirements, within budget and time constraints, it is important to use appropriate methodologies, tools and techniques suitable for a dynamic environment. Experts in Software Development have been researching and practicing many approaches to over come these issues. However, after a decade into Web application development, only a few of these approaches are effectively used in this domain. This paper discusses use of two such approaches: (a) use of Components and (b) End User development that can be effectively used in combination for Web Application development. In our work in the Small to Medium Enterprise (SME) sector we have developed a set of Components that allow End Users to assemble, deploy and run Web Applications. We have incorporated these Components into a framework that facilitates the deployment of these Components developed by developers.KeywordsInternal Business ProcessHuman Centric ComputingMeet User RequirementApplication Domain KnowledgeApplication Development ToolThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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