
A magnetoencephalography (MEG) recording for clinical purposes requires a different level of attention and detail than that for research. As contrasted with a research subject, the MEG technologist must work with a patient who may not fully cooperate with instructions. The patient is on a clinical schedule, with generally no opportunity to return due to an erroneous or poor acquisition. The data will generally be processed by separate MEG analysts, who require a consistent and high-quality recording to complete their analysis and clinical report. To assure a quality recording, (1) MEG technologists must immediately recheck their scalp measurement data during the patient preparation, to catch disturbances and ensure registration accuracy of the patient fiducials, electrodes, and head position indicator coils. During the recording, (2) the technologist must ensure that the patient remains quiet and as far as possible into the helmet. After the recording, (3) the technologist must consistently prepare the data for subsequent clinical analysis. This article aims to comprehensively address these matters for practitioners of clinical MEG in a helpful and practical way. Based on the authors' experiences in recording over three thousand patients between them, presented here are a collection of techniques for implementation into daily routines that ensure good operation and high data quality. The techniques address a gap in the clinical literature addressing the multitude of potential sources of error during patient preparation and data acquisition, and how to prevent, recognize, or correct those.

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