
The paper reviews the history of B-spline methods for atomic structure calculations for bound states. It highlights various aspects of the variational method, particularly with regard to the orthogonality requirements, the iterative self-consistent method, the eigenvalue problem, and the related sphf, dbsr-hf, and spmchf programs. B-splines facilitate the mapping of solutions from one grid to another. The following paper describes a two-stage approach where the goal of the first stage is to determine parameters of the problem, such as the range and approximate values of the orbitals, after which the level of accuracy is raised. Once convergence has been achieved the Virial Theorem, which is evaluated as a check for accuracy. For exact solutions, the V/T ratio for a non-relativistic calculation is −2.


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  • In an early B-spline study, Froese Fischer and Parpia [16] studied the accuracy of the application of B-splines to the Dirac equation for He with a grid over the range (0, 40), comparing a grid for ρ = r1/4 with a grid for ρ = log(r )

  • B-spline Slater integrals included in the summation

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Oleg improved and extended the library, which became the basis for the BSR code he published in 2006 [2] for both non-relativistic and the Breit–Pauli R-matrix theory This paper reviews the development of spline methods for variational approaches to solutions of the wave equation for atoms with the assumption that the reader is familiar with the basic properties of splines as presented by Bachau et al [10]. Unlike the latter, the emphasis here is more on the computational methods and the programs that have emerged rather than their application

The B-Spline Basics
Spline Grid for Radial Functions
Integration Methods
Slater Integrals
Tensor Products of B-Splines as a Basis
Spline Galerkin and Inverse Iteration Methods
Spline Methods for Bound State Problems
Generalised Eigenvalue Problem for a Single Orbital
Multiple Orbitals and SVD
Newton–Raphson with Quadratic Rate of Convergence
The SPHF and SPMCHF Programs
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