
Purpose – to analyze the process of organizational learning in development of organizational competences in two educational institutions that offer Higher Technological Education Courses in Brazil.
 Design/Method/Approach. As for the methodology, the nature of the research is exploratory, with a qualitative approach, and a multiple case study method.
 Findings. The results made it possible to conclude that there was a learning process at the organizational level, as new knowledge and new practices had been institutionalized. Based on the data found in each case, it was possible to certify that some competences can be built and others eliminated, shaping the dynamic character of the process.
 Theoretical implications. It was possible to corroborate the model used (Patriotta, 2003) and propose advances to it, towards an understanding of organizational learning processes in the development of organizational competences.
 Practical implications. The manager can see competences in dynamics, changing over time and in the context of the organization, according to the events and changes in their objectives, intentions, and strategies.
 Originality/Value. We found that organizational learning is the result of the acquisition of a competence that represents this process. Using a metaphor, it was found that the competences of an organization represent the 'DNA' of the organizational learning.
 Research limitations/Future research. This paper analyzed two cases only and new case studies are needed to characterize more fully on these results.
 Paper type – empirical.


  • Purpose – to analyze the process of organizational learning in development of organizational competences in two educational institutions that offer Higher Technological Education Courses in Brazil

  • Based on the data found in each case, it was possible to certify that some competences can be built and others eliminated, shaping the dynamic character of the process

  • The case study was chosen because it is a research method that focuses on understanding the dynamics present within an environment (Eisenhardt, 1989), and answers questions like 'how' and 'why' (Yin, 2010), allowing an in-depth look into the phenomenon (Richardson, 1989)

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European Journal of Management Issues

It was possible to corroborate the model used (Patriotta, 2003) and propose advances to it, towards an understanding of organizational learning processes in the development of organizational competences. Towards an understanding of organizational learning processes in development of competences. На шляху до розуміння процесів організаційного навчання в розвитку компетенцій Адріана Розелі Вюнш Такахаші‡. Мета дослідження – проаналізувати процеси організаційного навчання при розвитку організаційних компетенцій в двох навчальних закладах, що пропонують курси в рамках вищої технологічної освіти в Бразилії. З огляду на експлоративну природу даного дослідження, застосовано якісні методи, зокрема метод множинного аналізу практичних прикладів (multiple case study). Запропоновано варіанти її вдосконалення у галузі розуміння процесів організаційного навчання і розвитку організаційних компетенцій.

На пути к пониманию процессов организационного обучения в развитии компетенций
Organizational Learning
Change and learning*
Integrating the Concepts of OL and Competences Development
Degree of knowledge institutionalization
Assumptions for the Approach to the Organizational Phenomenon
Research Design
Case Study
Temporal Research Perspective and Historical Approach
Data Collection
Analytical Techniques
Population and Sample
Context and Organizational Values
Evaluation of the Organizational Competences
Cultural resources and values
Transformational Incremental
Degree of knowledge deinstitutionalization
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