
Query rewriting is one of the fundamental steps in ontology-based data access (OBDA) approaches. It takes as inputs an ontology and a query written according to that ontology, and produces as an output a set of queries that should be evaluated to account for the inferences that should be considered for that query and ontology. Different query rewriting systems give support to different ontology languages with varying expressiveness, and the rewritten queries obtained as an output do also vary in expressiveness. This heterogeneity has traditionally made it difficult to compare different approaches, and the area lacks in general commonly agreed benchmarks that could be used not only for such comparisons but also for improving OBDA support. In this paper we compile data, dimensions and measurements that have been used to evaluate some of the most recent systems, we analyse and characterise these assets, and provide a unified set of them that could be used as a starting point towards a more systematic benchmarking process for such systems. Finally, we apply this initial benchmark with some of the most relevant OBDA approaches in the state of the art.

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