
Driven by ambitious renewable portfolio standards, large-scale inclusion of variable energy resources (such as wind and solar) are expected to introduce unprecedented levels of uncertainty into power systems operations. The current practice of operations planning with deterministic optimization models may be ill-suited for a future with abundant uncertainty. To overcome the potential reliability and economic challenges, we present a stochastic hierarchical planning (SHP) framework for power systems coordinated by a centralized planner. This framework captures operations at day-ahead, short-term and hour-ahead timescales, along with the interactions between the stochastic processes and decisions. In contrast to earlier studies where stochastic optimization of individual problems (e.g., unit commitment, economic dispatch) have been studied, this paper studies an integrated framework of planning under uncertainty, where stochastic optimization models are stitched together in a hierarchical setting, which parallels the deterministic hierarchical planning approach that is widely adopted in the power industry. Our experiments, based on the NREL-118 dataset, reveal that under high renewable integration, significant operational improvements can be expected by transitioning to the SHP paradigm. In particular, the computational results show that significant improvements can be achieved in several metrics, including system reliability, environmental sustainability, and system economics, solely by making a strategic choice to adopt the new SHP paradigm.

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