
This paper explores the role played by translation in additional language learning (ALL) as a particular example of translation in other learning contexts (TOLC), i.e. translation as used in educational contexts other than translation studies. The project presented in this paper draws on research and good practice in translation studies, pedagogy, educational psychology and language acquisition and is framed within a plurilingual development paradigm. The theoretical framework questions a monolingual approach to ALL and considers educational objectives, learning strategies, translation competence, multi-competence, the Dynamic Model of Multilingualism, plurilingualism and the Interdependence Hypothesis to favour the connected development of linguistic and mediation skills. The pedagogy adopts a humanistic approach to teaching, teaching for transfer and (socio)constructivism. The paper reports on the second of an ongoing three-stage study involving 45 undergraduate students. In the first stage, the spontaneous use of translation was recorded to identify critical instances of its use in ALL. In the second, data regarding the teacher’s and students’ perceptions and uses of translation were gathered. Following on from the findings of this research, learning material is currently being designed with a view to including translation in additional language learning in an explicit way.

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