
The eXtensible Visualization Components Markup Language (XVCML) was developed in order to ensure the sustainability of visualization solutions. Therefore, XVCML follows the Model-Driven Software Development (MDSD) approach: It enables technology independent modeling of visualization solutions whereas those models are compliant to a formal metamodel. XVCML was enhanced by a mean to express arbitrary routines using Executable UML. Since we realized the latter aspect only as a first proof of concept, this part of XVCML lacks a formal metamodel—a requirement for MDSD. This paper seizes on this topic so much that a Domain Specific Language, which enables the creation of Executable UML models, will be worked out in the context of MDSD. Therefore, this paper explains the required foundations for the subject matter at hand before it presents the way of proceeding towards a model-driven approach with XVCML.

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