
This is a progress report on our luminosity function of 329 Palomar Green DA white dwarfs, all reobserved with CCD spectrophotometry and analyzed in the manner of Bergeron, Saffer & Liebert (1992). The combined luminosity and mass functions are presented. Three distinct mass groups of white dwarfs may be identified: (1) the predominant peak group with a median mass just below 0.6 M⊙; (2) the component of likely close binaries where the visible white dwarf is composed of a helium interior and mass < 0.5M⊙; and, (3) massive white dwarfs ≥ 0.9M⊙. This last group includes all three magnetic DA stars for which a measurement or estimate of the mass and radius are available.KeywordsWhite DwarfBinary StarLuminosity FunctionClose BinaryMassive WhiteThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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