
This book has arisen, in the first instance, from a felt need to draw a circle round a small number of texts which, according to received formulations, might not be susceptible to juxtaposition. It has seemed to me that the extraordinary similarities displayed by these texts — Howards End, Heartbreak House, Women in Love and The Waste Land — demand that they be read in conjunction as parallel articulations of a specific moment in history. This book seeks to establish a critical language which may recognise and express their affinities with each other; in so doing, it propounds a fresh configuration, and perhaps an alternative perspective. In an admittedly restricted focus, it reproblematises literature as it has been constructed in critical accounts of the period.KeywordsFinal ConfigurationMoral DistressNormative ConfigurationCircle RoundCountry HouseThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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