
Since the Industrial Revolution, with the productivity change brought by technology and modern mass media, the distance between time and space has been shortened and the imagined "urbancommunity" has been brought about. Newspapers, television and other mass media can not only have information functions, but also unite and connect people into a whole through the communication network, thus promoting the integration of urban communities. However, with the development of the internet and the explosive growth of urban population, the rise of individualism has made the connection of traditional urban society declared unorganized, and the traditional mass media has also lost its unified integration ability (Bruhn, 2011:8). The city has fallen into an unprecedented communication crisis, and the construction of a coordinated and unified relationship between different individuals has become anurgent problem to be solved. In other words, the global expansion of the modernization process has led to the fragmentation of society, and people find themselves in a modern world that has lost contact with the roots of communicability.

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