
In the quest to image the three-dimensional magnetization structure we show that the technique of magnetic small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) is highly sensitive to the details of the internal spin structure of nanoparticles. By combining SANS with numerical micromagnetic computations we study the transition from single-domain to multidomain behavior in nanoparticles and its implications for the ensuing magnetic SANS cross section. Above the critical single-domain size we find that the cross section and the related correlation function cannot be described anymore with the uniform particle model, resulting, e.g., in deviations from the well-known Guinier law. In the simulations we identify a clear signature for the occurrence of a vortexlike spin structure at remanence. The micromagnetic approach to magnetic SANS bears great potential for future investigations, since it provides fundamental insights into the mesoscale magnetization profile of nanoparticles.

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